Shop your local Cherokee Feed & Seed store for your cold-weather products. Cooler temperatures and winter are just around the corner. We have you covered with a selection of de-icers, heaters, faucet covers, heat lamps and more.
Keep your animals warms with bedding supplies. We offer quality hay and shavings at all our stores. In addition, we have heat buckets available! They keep water warm even when it’s zero out and they really are lifesavers for horses who can colic if their water freezes.
The Freeze Miser™ operates like the thermostat in your home.
It senses the internal water temperature arriving to the faucet not the air temperature. It can be 40º F or -40º F, it does not care.
The Freeze Miser™ activates when the water temperature hits 37º F.
No water is allowed to drip until the activation temperature is attained.
As the water temperature fluctuates, so does the drip.
The Freeze Miser™ is on guard 24/7!
Don’t be left out in the cold. Shop us for all your cold-weather products. All of our locations are open Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., Saturday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., and closed on Sunday! Come visit us and stay warm, friends!